I happened to be wandering around the streets of Davis, California, when I happened upon a “smoke shop”. You know…in the Sixties it would have been called a head shop. Anyway, it was a pretty big place as such places go, but I still managed to find the most interesting thing there in less than 5 minutes of wandering around (although it probably seemed like an eternity to poor Felicity, who generally can’t stand these places). Check this out:
Can you dig this? Instead of adapting your vape pen’s mouthpiece (its “output” in engineering terms) to your bong, it actually becomes part of the vape pen, taking the place of the globe or bulb that you often find on these things. Then just plug the other end into your bong, hit the button and you can watch all the vapor. And clearly much easier to use than a hose. Best and simplest idea I’ve seen in awhile, and haven’t found this anywhere else yet. Pity, because at $25 I couldn’t afford it, but I’m sure the price will drop once other people see this. If you’re in the neighborhood, I saw this at Illusions Smoke Shop, 203 G Street, Davis CA 95616, phone 530-756-0118.
Stoners are just getting more and more ingenious ideas every day. Crazy creation