Why You Must Vote Yes on California Prop 64

The realization came to me while I was thinking about a completely different proposition on the ballot this year. We were getting all sorts of mailers about how, if 56 is passed, it’s going to take money from starving children, ruin Christmas forever, and worse…make “special interests” RICH. My first instinct was outrage, and if it […]

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LEAP: Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition 121 Mystic Ave. Medford, MA 02155 Phone: 781-393-6985 www.LEAP.cc I bet you didn’t know that there are law enforcement personnel who, based on their real life job experiences, want to repeal and change international drug policies and laws. Their mission statement reads as follows: “Law Enforcement Against Prohibition is an international 501(c) […]

Marijuana Was Legal At the Federal Level In The Sixties

This one is right out of Old Hippie’s infamous stash of little-known facts. In the process of doing some historical research, I found some interesting tidbits. Today is, at least according to one source, exactly 75 years since the U.S. House of Representatives passed the dangerous and illegal Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, based largely […]