In my travels across the planet and the Internet, I’ve run across any number of people who smoke marijuana regularly and get high, but are using cannabis for what are essential medical reasons. In other words: social anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, calming, chronic pain, depression, etc. If you’re one of these people, I believe you […]
Tag: getting high
We Are Patients, Not Potheads
(Note: This article is dedicated to LAD, who has selflessly helped me many times, in far more important ways than she can imagine; and to Norman Smith, a patient now facing death because a bunch of ignorant bureaucrats don’t know the difference between patients and potheads.) I use marijuana several times a day. Every day. But I am […]
The 5 Biggest Myths About Medical Marijuana – Getting High – Day 2
You have to hand it to the U.S. Government. Without the money, might, and monotony of this monolith, it would have been impossible to suppress and distort the truth about cannabis – a plant used beneficially by humans for the last 5,000 to 10,000 years. But that’s in the past, because the truth — like a […]