In my travels across the planet and the Internet, I’ve run across any number of people who smoke marijuana regularly and get high, but are using cannabis for what are essential medical reasons. In other words: social anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, calming, chronic pain, depression, etc. If you’re one of these people, I believe you […]
Tag: chronic pain
The 5 Biggest Myths About Medical Marijuana – Farce – Day 3
You have to hand it to the U.S. Government. Without the money, might, and monotony of this monolith, it would have been impossible to suppress and distort the truth about cannabis – a plant used beneficially by humans for the last 5,000 to 10,000 years. But that’s in the past, because the truth — like a […]
Ask Old Hippie: Can Military Veterans Use Medical Marijuana?
Dear Old Hippie: I am a disabled American veteran living in Arizona (which just recently passed their Medical Marijuana act). With all that I go through with the VA….are we allowed to use MMJ? I wanted to apply for my card here in AZ, but wasn’t sure if I would have repercussions from the VA. A: […]
Ask Old Hippie: Can Marijuana Relieve My Back Pain?
Dear Old Hippie: I was in a car accident several years ago that left me with a back injury that unfortunately keeps me in quite a bit of pain a good portion of the day. I have been on a concoction of pharmaceuticals for the past year and a half, and finally decided that I […]