Frankenstein oil capsule Copyright 2015

Making Frankenstein Oil With the Magical Butter Machine

My dear wife Felicity has been having more than the usual amount of trouble sleeping lately. Although her daytime cannabinoid requirements have not changed (one or two capsules still get her through the day), she’s been needing higher doses at night due to higher amounts of stress. Since we generally make our capsules fairly “light”, […]

Old Hippie's Medicine Chest and Collection of Canna Caps

Old Hippie’s Medicine Chest (or, Canna Caps Revealed)

So, you want to know how to get through your day using cannabis, but without smoking, without vaping, and without getting too stoned to work? What you need, friend, are Canna Caps, which are made by extracting cannabinoids from ground medical marijuana into coconut oil. Once you start working with these, you will want to […]