I’ve been working on a new cooking article that you’re all going to love, but I noticed a bunch of posts on /r/saplings from people concerned over whether they’re getting as much weed as they paid for. So as a public service, I thought I’d provide this photographic mini-guide to what an eighth ounce (3.5 […]
Tag: Weed
Ask Old Hippie: How Has Marijuana Changed Since The Sixties?
Nugs? Buds? Never heard of them. All we ever saw was ground-up powdery stuff or crushed leaves (and twigs, and seeds…often all mushed together in what’s called “brick” today). Sometimes we saw little pieces of crushed flower, and we were amazed: it was actual proof that it came from an actual plant! Even on the […]
There’s No Such Thing As Marijuana
You know how everyone seems to say either, “Marijuana is bad” or “Marijuana is good”? You know how some people say, “People can get paranoid from smoking pot” or “Medical marijuana helps people with paranoia, anxiety, and depression”? You know how one person can say, “I got really screwed up after smoking weed and passed […]
Ask Old Hippie – How Has the Marijuana Culture Changed Since the Sixties?
This post is in response to a question put by the Ent xlamplighter in my /r/trees AMA, to wit: “Over your many years of smoking, can you describe the prevailing attitudes and culture surrounding cannabis and how you think they’ve changed over the decades? Also, lingo and phrases you might have heard over the years […]
Ask Old Hippie: Tell Us About Your First Time
I was a freshman in high school. I had started hanging around with a “fast crowd”…the kind who listened to all the newest music, talked about forbidden things like sex, and had opinions that sounded like they really mattered. One day, the hippest kid in the school (the grandson of a famous radical political figure) […]
Ask Old Hippie – Does Weed Shrink Your Balls?
Dear Old Hippie: My parents keep trying to convince me to stop smoking weed. Their latest tactic is to tell me that “weed shrinks your balls”, and they’re using our family doctor as backup. I personally think this is a lot of crap, but I need some more information when my balls are at stake! […]