Anything, apparently. Back in December, I made some potato pancakes, which involved pan-frying in oil, so I used some cannabis cooking oil I had made, and I got so high that I kind of forgot about this until the other day, when someone handed me some sliced Brussels sprouts to sauté and I remembered I […]
Tag: recipes
World’s Best Instant Chicken Pot Pie: With Pot!
OK, I guess I’ve wanted to do this for over 40 years, so I can finally update my bucket list. When I was a teenager, my mother bought these little frozen thingies you could throw in an oven that were called “chicken pot pies”. Being recENTly turned on to all the hip lingo, I thought […]
Old Hippie’s BBQ Lobster Tail With Cannabutter Recipe
If you like getting high from your munchies in style, this is for you. OK, so there I was, sitting around on a pretty good day for January (California…January…sunny and T-shirt weather!). I wanted to eat something interesting. And then I remembered I had put a lobster tail away for just such an occasion. Given […]
Ask Old Hippie: What Can I Do With Marijuana Cooking Oil?
Dear Old Hippie: I wanted to make some marijuana cooking oil. So I bought around a quarter ounce of weed and I ground all of it up. Then I put ¾ cup of canola oil in a pot and started to heat it. When it started to simmer, I put the weed in and added about […]
How To Make Pot Painkiller Pills
Cannabis (medical marijuana) can be a perfectly good and safe medicine when used correctly. But there are always people who find fault with everything, and they complain: It’s unsafe (not really) It’s illegal (not in 16 states) It’s not effective (that’s not what dozens of studies have shown) People will pretend they are sick to […]
Uncle Buck’s Cooking Class: Those Triangle Things Always Get Me
OK, I didn’t write up Uncle Buck’s last cooking class at Magnolia Wellness because he made pizza and I got pied. But that’s no excuse, really…I always get a bit pied after his classes. I just make sure to do most of my tasting toward the end of his class now 🙂 I can’t help […]
The Ultimate Stoner Goodie: Nutella That Gets You High
Northern California, December 27, 2010 – In a stunning scientific breakthrough, a cannabis researcher known as “Old Hippie” has created the ultimate stoner goodie: Nutella that gets you high. “CERN has their Colliding Hardons and their God particle. Well, I just came up with the OMG Topping”, said Old Hippie, who was high as a […]
Old Hippie Makes Nutella Firecrackers
So there I was, just sitting around after going shopping. Some thought was annoying me, attempting to claw its way into my consciousness…wait! My wife had asked me to pick her up some graham crackers, and I just realized that those are the base ingrediENT in firecrackers! Now, back in the sixties and seventies, nobody cooked […]
How To Make A Banana Spliff
My awesome son, the one who keeps coming up with great drink and food combinations, has really outdone himself this time. The combination of his recipe, and my punnish title for it, is only exceeded by the amazingness of the taste and texture of the actual food. So: first you cook yourself a chapati, which […]