You can buy cannabutter (cannabis cooked into butter) or oils infused with cannabis at a dispensary. Or you can make your own. These edibles can have a “greenish” or slightly bitter taste due to the chlorophyll and terpenes present in the plant matter (this can be almost completely removed by water curing). How To Decarb […]
Tag: how to
How to Make a Vaporizer to Bong Interface Adapter
So now that I’ve played around with my homemade bong for awhile, I’ve already grown tired of getting way too high and coughing on smoke and thought about how I could combine the benefits of a bong (cooler smoke and easier on the throat and lungs) with the benefits of a vaporizer (no smoke, just vapor…and […]
Medical Marijuana Patients: Time To Shop At Costco!
This is a great time of year to shop at Costco if you’re a medical marijuana patient, especially if you want to get into cooking or making Canna Caps. First: they’re running a special coupon and mail-in rebate deal that gets you $15 off a Crock-Pot (6-quart size) that comes with the Little Dipper I […]
DIY Glass Bong, Part 4: How To Smoke With Your New Bong
How To Smoke Weed From A Pipe First, exhale before putting your mouth on the pipe. This makes room in your lungs, and insures you won’t blow out through the pipe by accident, which has been a source of embarrassment for new smokers for many decades. Put the flame over the weed in the bowl, […]
Make Your Own Glass Bong, Part 3: How To Do It
In the previous installment of How To Make Your Own Glass Bong, you picked out your liquor bottle and ordered the special diamond bit to cut the hole in it. Somewhere between then and now, you’ll have to empty that bottle, but I’ll leave that up to you 🙂 Right now, you have just a […]
Make Your Own Glass Bong, Part 2: Pick Your Bottle
The first part of this article gave a bit of history of bongs and talked about how many people end up with cheap glass but still pay the expensive price. We’re going to make our own bong using good quality materials, and save money too! The way “real” bongs work is that they have a […]
Make Your Own High Class, All Glass Bong For Only $37
(Part One of a four-part article) Regular readers of this site know that I never actually smoke my medical marijuana. Instead, I prefer vaporizers, like my ever-present little MFLB (Magic-Flight Launch Box), because smoke tends to have extra chemicals you don’t want, and if you need your medicine daily like most patients, all that smoke […]
How To Blast Off With Nutella Firecrackers
Well, it’s been a little over a year since the last time I made weed firecrackers, and last night I thought I would try again. Except that the last time was quite a trip, and I sort of wanted to avoid that kind of drama, as I just wanted the effects and not the excitement. So […]
Old Hippie Makes Nutella Firecrackers
So there I was, just sitting around after going shopping. Some thought was annoying me, attempting to claw its way into my consciousness…wait! My wife had asked me to pick her up some graham crackers, and I just realized that those are the base ingrediENT in firecrackers! Now, back in the sixties and seventies, nobody cooked […]