Old Hippie's Medicine Chest and Collection of Canna Caps

Old Hippie’s Medicine Chest (or, Canna Caps Revealed)

So, you want to know how to get through your day using cannabis, but without smoking, without vaping, and without getting too stoned to work? What you need, friend, are Canna Caps, which are made by extracting cannabinoids from ground medical marijuana into coconut oil. Once you start working with these, you will want to […]

Put the two halves into intimate Nutella-to-Nutella contact

Old Hippie Makes Nutella Firecrackers

So there I was, just sitting around after going shopping. Some thought was annoying me, attempting to claw its way into my consciousness…wait! My wife had asked me to pick her up some graham crackers, and I just realized that those are the base ingrediENT in firecrackers! Now, back in the sixties and seventies, nobody cooked […]