As I previously wrote, a week or so ago I began some experiments to find out if infusing coconut oil with cannabis worked differently at different temperatures. Methodology Oil: 118°F, 140°F, 180°F, 220°F, 260°F, 300°F Each batch was made as identically as possible, using 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and 0.5 grams decarbed weed (Super […]
Tag: experiment
The Great Cannabis Oil Experiment
It’s one of those questions that’s been disputed for years in cannabis circles: what’s the best temperature to use? Whether the subject in question is decarboxylating, making firecrackers, cannabis oil, or glycerin tincture, everyone seems to have a different opinion. Well, I have lots of opinions myself, but I prefer facts. So I decided to […]
Can You Smoke Like A Patient?
In my travels across the planet and the Internet, I’ve run across any number of people who smoke marijuana regularly and get high, but are using cannabis for what are essential medical reasons. In other words: social anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, calming, chronic pain, depression, etc. If you’re one of these people, I believe you […]
How To Blast Off With Nutella Firecrackers
Well, it’s been a little over a year since the last time I made weed firecrackers, and last night I thought I would try again. Except that the last time was quite a trip, and I sort of wanted to avoid that kind of drama, as I just wanted the effects and not the excitement. So […]
How To Make Pot Painkiller Pills
Cannabis (medical marijuana) can be a perfectly good and safe medicine when used correctly. But there are always people who find fault with everything, and they complain: It’s unsafe (not really) It’s illegal (not in 16 states) It’s not effective (that’s not what dozens of studies have shown) People will pretend they are sick to […]
How To Make Your Own Canna Caps
Many medical marijuana dispensaries sell Canna Caps, which has quickly become a generic name for any capsule filled with cannabis since its association with the groundbreaking work of Dr. Paul Hornby. Dr. Hornby’s original idea was for Canna Caps to have standardized doses of THC, and all ingredients tested for pesticides, heavy metals, and other […]
Old Hippie Makes Nutella Firecrackers
So there I was, just sitting around after going shopping. Some thought was annoying me, attempting to claw its way into my consciousness…wait! My wife had asked me to pick her up some graham crackers, and I just realized that those are the base ingrediENT in firecrackers! Now, back in the sixties and seventies, nobody cooked […]
Those Useful Little THC Pills
A few months ago I visited All Natural dispensary in Sacramento and picked up some Canna Caps, which have the strain Rhino Wreck in them, extracted into coconut oil. These capsules (which I reviewed in August) are very strong and last quite a long time, and though they came in useful for a long and […]
Ask Old Hippie – Why Do You Get Higher After 10 Minutes?
Note to the Reader: after some more in-depth research, I’ve determined that I was wrong about this. I was assuming that there was a delay due to absorption through mucous membranes, but in fact, that absorption also occurs instantly. The delay is due to a yet-unknown (at least by me) ramp-up of THC blood levels […]
Canna Caps Experience
I decided to try one of the Canna Caps I got at All Natural the other day on my dispensary tour, and wrote it up in real time on /r/trees. Here’s what happened: The bottle is from Royal Blends and says the caps are 200 mg. made with coconut oil and cold water hash and […]