by Scott Morgan, July 12, 2012, 10:28pm Reprinted from by permission One month ago, Eric Holder testified before Congress that the Dept. of Justice is only targeting medical marijuana businesses that violate their state’s laws. Anyone who didn’t realize it was a lie should be getting the message right about now. The federal government is moving to […]
Tag: dispensaries
We Are Patients, Not Potheads
(Note: This article is dedicated to LAD, who has selflessly helped me many times, in far more important ways than she can imagine; and to Norman Smith, a patient now facing death because a bunch of ignorant bureaucrats don’t know the difference between patients and potheads.) I use marijuana several times a day. Every day. But I am […]
How The Federal Government Lies About Medical Marijuana Raids
A week or two ago, I wrote about the U.S. Government’s almost spotless record of lying to the American people. Now it’s time to put some of that into the context of how they’re lying and misleading the public in their latest War On Medical Marijuana In California. One month ago, the four California-based U.S. […]
We’re Fed Up! – An Open Letter From 30,000,000 Marijuana Smokers Who Vote
Because of our diversity and direct democracy, California has always been a “test state” for many new ideas and political reforms. The Federal government is now targeting California and its Medical Marijuana patients to create a test case out of us. They are afraid to change the status quo. But it is not just Medical […]
Obama To California Patients: Drop Dead
The gloves are off. Barack “of course I inhaled” Obama’s fake-progressive “health care for everyone, because we care” administration has now declared war on sick people in California. U.S. attorneys based in California sent letters to medical marijuana dispensaries here warning them that they must close within 45 days or face criminal prosecution. They also […]
Medical Marijuana Under Attack In California
(Originally posted at The 420 Times, but so important I want the news out everywhere) I just received an urgent call for action from Don Duncan, the California Director of Americans For Safe Access, one of the top national organizations working tirelessly to protect your right to use cannabis as medicine. The California legislature has […]
How To Make Your Own Canna Caps
Many medical marijuana dispensaries sell Canna Caps, which has quickly become a generic name for any capsule filled with cannabis since its association with the groundbreaking work of Dr. Paul Hornby. Dr. Hornby’s original idea was for Canna Caps to have standardized doses of THC, and all ingredients tested for pesticides, heavy metals, and other […]
Ask Old Hippie: How Did Cannabis Help Your Depression?
Q: What methods of smoking worked best for your depression? What caused you to turn to cannabis for help with your depression? Any tips? A: What got me to try cannabis was literally a throwaway remark from a friend of mine about how I lived in a MMJ state. That made me snort with derision because […]
How To Turn Water Into Wine Using Mind Power
Today is Friday, and yesterday was Thursday, and lately around here that means it’s time for Uncle Buck’s cooking class at Magnolia Wellness in Orangevale. Due to the festive nature of the season, Uncle Buck was showing us how to make Christmas tree decorations. OK, they were really Electric Rice Krispie Treat Balls, where “electric” […]
Thanksgiving At Old Hippie’s House
My wife loves to host the ENTire family — or as much as we have within driving distance — on Thanksgiving. To her it’s a special time for love and sharing of food and stories and happiness and all that kind of good stuff. So anyway, my sister and her husband, and my oldest son […]