We’ve been pretty quiet lately…this is part of the reason why. I hope you can appreciate how difficult and personal this was for Felicity to write, and how brave it was of her to share it with us. — OH I have a hidden health problem: chronic PTSD brought on by years of traumatic abuse […]
Tag: Depression
Katching Up With the Kushashians
Sigh. Life isn’t always easy, even when you think things are going pretty well. Or some would say…especially when you think things are going pretty well. I haven’t written anything here in about six weeks, not because I didn’t have anything to write about, but because I’ve been overthinking again, I guess. I felt like I […]
Marijuana Is Medicine
(This is a guest post, by someone who would like to remain anonymous — OH) This morning I have been thinking a lot about where my life has led over the past few years. If my story is too long and you don’t want to read, that is fine, but please, I urge you to […]
Can You Smoke Like A Patient?
In my travels across the planet and the Internet, I’ve run across any number of people who smoke marijuana regularly and get high, but are using cannabis for what are essential medical reasons. In other words: social anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, calming, chronic pain, depression, etc. If you’re one of these people, I believe you […]
The Secret Of Old Hippie’s Special Blend Of Marijuana Strains
Cannabis, used as a medicine, is unlike most other medicines. Not just because it can help people with so many different conditions, not just because a bunch of ignorant or corrupt politicians have been insanely suppressing it for 75 years, but because it’s absolutely necessary for the patient to take an active role in his […]
Ask Old Hippie: What’s The Best Strain For Me?
Dear Old Hippie: First off, thank you for all the great information you give. After two years of taking every pill on the pharmaceutical market, my doctor finally signed my paperwork to get my Medical Marijuana recommendation. I used to smoke in the past, but have not smoked any weed for at least two years now. Now that […]
The 5 Biggest Myths About Medical Marijuana – Farce – Day 3
You have to hand it to the U.S. Government. Without the money, might, and monotony of this monolith, it would have been impossible to suppress and distort the truth about cannabis – a plant used beneficially by humans for the last 5,000 to 10,000 years. But that’s in the past, because the truth — like a […]
The 5 Biggest Myths About Medical Marijuana – Getting High – Day 2
You have to hand it to the U.S. Government. Without the money, might, and monotony of this monolith, it would have been impossible to suppress and distort the truth about cannabis – a plant used beneficially by humans for the last 5,000 to 10,000 years. But that’s in the past, because the truth — like a […]
The 5 Biggest Myths About Medical Marijuana – Oxymoron – Day 1
You have to hand it to the U.S. Government. Without the money, might, and monotony of this monolith, it would have been impossible to suppress and distort the truth about cannabis – a plant used beneficially by humans for the last 5,000 to 10,000 years. But that’s in the past, because the truth — like […]
Ask Old Hippie: Am I Addicted To Weed?
Q: I recently had a bad breakup which triggered some latent depression, anxiety, and nausea, which are all pretty severe. A few months later I discovered weed, and it is the perfect cure for all three. I’ve tried lots of other drugs, but if they had any effect at all, it was subtle and unsatisfying. […]