Apparently too many people in the government read “1984” and think it’s a guidebook, rather than a warning. Recent stories in the media have revealed that various agencies of the U.S. government have conspired — there’s really no other way of putting it — to pool information collected by those agencies and funnel it to […]
Tag: DEA
Let’s Ban the Bogeyman
It’s time to get medical grade cannabis out of the bogeyman’s realm and into the hands of patients. The bogeyman in this case is comprised of the following types of beliefs: that cannabis is evil or dangerous that THC is the only useful chemical component in cannabis that pharmaceutical science with one hand tied behind […]
The 5 Biggest Myths About Medical Marijuana – Dangerous Drug – Day 5
You have to hand it to the U.S. Government. Without the money, might, and monotony of this monolith, it would have been impossible to suppress and distort the truth about cannabis – a plant used beneficially by humans for the last 5,000 to 10,000 years. But that’s in the past, because the truth — like a […]
President Obama, Call the DEA Off Medical Marijuana
Barack Obama ran and won based on his appeal to the youth vote, hope, and change. He not only admitted to smoking marijuana, he proudly admitted it. And after he was elected, he announced that the DEA would be using common sense and compassion, and would no longer be raiding medical marijuana facilities. Patients and […]
Official U.S Government Nug Porn
Yes, folks, your tax dollars are hard at work bringing you high-resolution photos of high-quality cannabis. If you have broadband and a good monitor, feast your eyes on these babies, directly off the DEA website: One Two Three Four Five A garage sale is probably too much to hope for, though 🙂
Ask Old Hippie: Tell Us About Your First Time
I was a freshman in high school. I had started hanging around with a “fast crowd”…the kind who listened to all the newest music, talked about forbidden things like sex, and had opinions that sounded like they really mattered. One day, the hippest kid in the school (the grandson of a famous radical political figure) […]