Old Hippie's Medicine Chest and Collection of Canna Caps

Old Hippie’s Medicine Chest (or, Canna Caps Revealed)

So, you want to know how to get through your day using cannabis, but without smoking, without vaping, and without getting too stoned to work? What you need, friend, are Canna Caps, which are made by extracting cannabinoids from ground medical marijuana into coconut oil. Once you start working with these, you will want to […]

Nutiva coconut oil

How To Make Your Own Canna Caps

Many medical marijuana dispensaries sell Canna Caps, which has quickly become a generic name for any capsule filled with cannabis since its association with the groundbreaking work of Dr. Paul Hornby. Dr. Hornby’s original idea was for Canna Caps to have standardized doses of THC, and all ingredients tested for pesticides, heavy metals, and other […]