Source CollegeDegrees360/flickr

Ask Old Hippie: Can Smoking Weed Cause Paranoia or Anxiety?

Q: I’ve noticed that smoking high THC strains seems to cause anxiety or paranoia. Is this normal? A: Yes, this is quite common. Unfortunately CBD, a natural component of cannabis that has anti-anxiety effects, has been bred out of most recreational strains, and many recreational users chase the “ultimate high”, so we will see more reports […]

CBD cannabis Source:

CBD Tincture For a Happy Family Danksgiving

So here it is almost Danksgiving. It’s the middle of the night here right now, and I’ve just finished making a special “emergency” batch of CBD tincture for Felicity. Felicity gets quite anxious at family events, especially big ones like Thanksgiving when we get together with our older son’s in-laws. They’re quite a traditional and […]

Old Hippie's Medicine Chest and Collection of Canna Caps

Old Hippie’s Medicine Chest (or, Canna Caps Revealed)

So, you want to know how to get through your day using cannabis, but without smoking, without vaping, and without getting too stoned to work? What you need, friend, are Canna Caps, which are made by extracting cannabinoids from ground medical marijuana into coconut oil. Once you start working with these, you will want to […]

We Are Patients, Not Potheads

(Note: This article is dedicated to LAD, who has selflessly helped me many times, in far more important ways than she can imagine; and to Norman Smith, a patient now facing death because a bunch of ignorant bureaucrats don’t know the difference between patients and potheads.) I use marijuana several times a day. Every day. But I am […]