Vote for Gary Johnson

Gary Johnson: Putting My Vote Where My Mouth Is

I just wrote a comprehensive article on Weedist covering the cannabis legalization propositions nationwide, the possibility of new medical marijuana states, and the presidential race, from the perspective of “who’s better for cannabis users”. It was as fair and balanced as I could make it, while still putting forth the idea that it’s not a […]

Marijuana Was Legal At the Federal Level In The Sixties

This one is right out of Old Hippie’s infamous stash of little-known facts. In the process of doing some historical research, I found some interesting tidbits. Today is, at least according to one source, exactly 75 years since the U.S. House of Representatives passed the dangerous and illegal Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, based largely […]

Cannabis, Politics, and Scientific Revisionism

It seems like it was just yesterday that I wrote an article on The 420 Times about how great it was that the U.S. Government was starting to publicly acknowledge some of the benefits of cannabis (a.k.a. medical marijuana). Oh, wait…it was just yesterday. In an amazing, almost real-time drama, the National Cancer Institute (NCI), mentioned prominently […]