This Mysterious Package Arrived on 4/20

Cat and Box

Cat and Box

This cat doesn’t know it, but he might be sitting next to the most important advance in cannabis processing since the discovery of decarboxylation.

Yes, I’m teasing you. But I’m teasing myself too, because it really did show up weeks ago, and it’s driven me nuts because I’ve been too busy writing (yes, that book is coming along!) to take the time to open the box and start experimenting with its contents. But when I do…look out world!

Old Hippie is a father of two boys and thankfully living in California where all this kind of thing is legal. He started smoking marijuana in 1967 in high school, experimented with mind-expanding drugs of all kinds, and then straightened out 15 or so years later to become an airplane pilot. After being diagnosed with depression in 2000, he lost his job and most of the following decade to prescription medications (such as antidepressants) which sapped his energy and will. Finally, a chance conversation with a friend led to a doctor’s recommendation for medical marijuana (MMJ). This changed his entire life, health, and outlook for the better. is his continuing story. It’s also his way to provide experienced advice on using medical marijuana effectively and responsibly, as well as advocacy, activism, and support for others. Old Hippie teaches about safe use of cannabis edibles, Canna Caps, vaporizers, dosing, and even microdosing.


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